Sunday, October 28, 2012

The first get together for the NaNoWriMo group was great! Even thought there was a bit of a change at the last minute, everyone was thrilled to be there. We even had a few people that only found out about it from the mass email that warned of the change in venue. I'm looking forward to working with this group. Every one of them has a great idea for their novels, and I still don't have one for me. If I can't think of one in the week then I'll have to be a rebel and work on old ones that need editing.
I'm still chugging through the re-write for Katana. Slowly.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

November is coming fast. I've volunteered to act as Municipal Liaison for NaNoWriMo and somehow got assigned to a group that's in the north end of the state. It's going to be busy. I have to get my own writing done as well as coordinate events and keep everyone writing.

Friday, October 5, 2012

I had a wonderful two weeks off from work and took a vacation. Wouldn't you know it, I find a hotel that hasn't heard of the twenty-first century's wonderful innovation of wi-fi. I spent a bunch of time visiting with my daughter and her husband. I even managed to squeeze in a bit of writing, though most of that was on the September Shorts Challenge. I'm getting to like the main character enough that I might just find a way to expand the story.